Group Based Upgrading (GBU) project identifies a common challenge faced by companies within the same industry and shortlists solution(s) that can tackle it.

The table below showcases our past GBU projects.

S/N Project Title Targeted Audience Challenges How Impact
1 Rodent Bait Control System Project Pest Control Industry
  1. Manual work processes
  2. Redundancy in current work processes
  3. Challenge in recruitment
  • Introduction of automated rodent tracking system
  • Removal of redundant work processes
  • Gain capabilities that are above the industrial norm
  • Streamline of work processes that leads to a leaner workforce
2 Tailors Manufacturing Business Process Improvement Project Tailors and Manufacturer
  1. Manual tape measurement taking that is often inaccurate
  2. Manual transportation of orders to factory
  3. Difficulty in tracking orders
  • Introduction of 3D body scanner and ordering system
  • Removal of redundant work processes
  • Gain capabilities that are above the industrial norm
  • Automated body measuring with 3D scanner
  • Tracking of order status is now possible
  • Customer's data are captured, hence making reordering a breeze
3 Integrated Field Service Management Platform for Air-conditioning Industry Services
  1. Customer service limitations
  2. Appointment booking and scheduling limitations
  3. Service request fulfilment limitations
  4. Invoicing and cash collection limitation
  5. Customer interaction limitation
  • Introduction of management system
  • Reduce or eliminate manual processes and paper-based documentations
  • Improved productivity for both office and field personnel
  • Increased accessibility of records and business critical data
  • Shorten service windows and improve customer service levels and experience
4 Back of The House Integration Restaurant F&B
  1. Floor Ordering Limitations
  2. Kitchen Ordering Limitations
  3. Supply Ordering Limitations
  • Introduction of a 3-way integrated systems
  • Seamless exchange of information among front end, kitchen and backend